

September 2, 2015

Welcome to the new school year MYP!

The school year has started and we are at the full swing at ISE and in the Library by now.

Below is some info about what library has to offer for upper school students and how information literacy and research skills are addressed at MYP, middle school level. 

     Academic honesty
MYP programme takes academic honesty very seriously. One of the four policies all MYP schools have is an Academic honesty policy. ISE adopted one at the end of last school year and is implementing it into teaching and learning this school year.
All MYP students signed an age appropriate student version of the policy agreeing to demonstrate academic honesty and avoid any form of academic misconduct.

Academic honesty in the IB is described by the IB learner profile. As stated in the IB learner profile, all members of the IB community must strive to be “principled”, acting with “integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere”.
ISE’s Academic Honesty Policy focuses on prevention and promoting good practice. It is our goal for the entire school community to view the principles of the Academic Honesty Policy positively.

In IB the programmes, students develop skills that are important across the curriculum and help them “learn how to learn”. Students will learn and practice academic honesty as part of the ATL skills in various classes, receive and sign an age-appropriate, copy of the policy and understand that the coordinator and teachers are available for further advice and guidance.

We encourage parents to teach and support the ethical values of honesty and integrity and share ISE’'s enforcement of the academic honesty policy, especially with regard to work done outside of school. ISE helps and encourages students with schoolwork, but never does it for them.

                  Binghamton University students talk about academic honesty.

     Information literacy
This year information studies are integrated into subject group units of study. MYP subject teachers and I will  be looking into ways how to collaborate when teaching and learning ATL (approaches to learning) - research and information literacy skills in an authentic settings while exploring UOS topics. 

     Personal project
For the second year I am the Personal project Coordinator at ISE. The MYP culminates in the personal project. Year 5 (grade 10) students engage in the Personal Project. It is a mandatory project in the Middle Years Programme. The project is an opportunity to explore a topic of interest, to develop ATL (approaches to learning) skills and to create something unique, to demonstrate a consolidation of learning in the MYP (what they have learned during the 5 years in MYP). ISE library offers support with finding resources in and outside school for the research portion of the project.

Besides wearing the hats of a librarian, an information literacy specialist and a Personal Project Coordinator my new role this year is a MYP Coordinator.
Last but not least the library is a homeroom for grade 8 this year.

We like it here!

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